Monday, November 16, 2009

The Most Handsome Kid Ever...

Reuben tries to take over the microphone when we practice.

Reuben upclose and personal. Reuben in his favorite contraption.

The days have flown by since Reuben was born. I cannot believe that he is 7 months old! Now, he is sitting up on his own, trying to cut teeth, eating vegetables and fruit, clapping his hands, and much more. Every week he seems to be doing something he has never done before. Ryan and I are so happy to be his parents and are glad that the Lord has given Reuben to us. He smiles all the time and has the most contagious laugh.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reuben Likes to Laugh

About a month ago, we were at a friend's house and Ryan was playing around with their dog. Reuben thought it was the funniest thing to see his dad chasing a dog around. Here's some footage captured on a cell phone: